Scorpion Oilfield Services has a long history of running semi-vac trucks as a part of our service offering to the oil and gas industry.
Semi-vacs are a very common sight on the roads of Western Canada. These are tractor-trailers that can vacuum up and haul large loads of various solids, sand, sludge, water, and oil. They are ideal for hauling anywhere from 12 m3 to 30 m3 of material, depending on current road bans and where they are hauling to. Most of our units have H2S scrubbers on them, which is essential for the safety of personnel working on or around the units.
These units are utilized at various thermal, terminal facilities, and oil batteries as well as used in applications such as door pulls, daily desanding of production and storage tanks, fluid transfers, and many other instances where the product needs to be sucked up and transferred. Often this includes hauling the material to a disposal location.
Scorpion’s fleet of ?? ????-??? ?????? service the Lloydminster region of Alberta and Saskatchewan, while also operating as far south as Kindersley and as far north as Fort McMurray.