Combo Vacs
Combo Vac Units have a tank capacity of 7-10m but on average haul 5-6m depending on the weight of the product they are hauling and road restrictions.
Used for all types of maintenance and tank cleaning projects that require vacuum and hot water pressure washing, steam outs, thawing, line snaking, vault cleaning, spill clean ups, fluid transfers, mud cans and other service rig operational support.

~ Equipped with H2S Scrubbers and stacks – cartridge, liquid, and powder types
~ Wireless H2S monitoring
~ Tri drive and pup – 24m3 max capacity
~ 3m3 freshwater capacity
~ On-board boiler and pressure washer pump with nozzles, snakes and wands
~ Equipped with chemical for cleaning
~ Some units equipped for dry steam
Introducing the Scrombo!
The Scrombo units are fully equipped to perform all the traditional tasks of combo vac trucks as well as mitigate higher concentrations of toxic/odors vapors onboard. Steaming and washing

~ Equipped with H2S Scrubbers and stacks
~ Wireless H2S monitoring
~ 3m3 freshwater capacity
~ On-board boiler and pressure washer pump with nozzles, snakes and wands
~ Equipped with chemical for cleaning